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Mauceri Education provides customized services to improve school culture and community, focusing on DEI and SEL initiatives for students and staff.  We can help you ensure your institution has an equitable foundation that allows all members of the community to meet their potential.


Cultural Competency Training: Training on cultural competency and diversity awareness to help staff members understand and respect the diverse backgrounds and experiences of students and colleagues.


Communication Skills Training: Training in effective communication skills for all staff members to improve interpersonal relationships and create a culture of openness and transparency.


Curriculum and Assessment Leadership: We will work with you to ensure curriculum coherence across grade levels and subject areas.Training on curriculum development, alignment with standards, and assessment practices specific to elementary, middle or high schools.


Professional Learning Communities (PLCs): We can help establish and support PLCs focused on school culture improvement, where staff can collaborate, share ideas, and work together to implement initiatives aimed at enhancing school culture.


Professional Development on Equity and Inclusion: Professional development sessions focused on equity, inclusion, and social justice to help create a more equitable and inclusive school culture where all students and staff feel valued and respected.


Parent and Community Engagement Workshops: Workshops and training opportunities for parents and community members to engage them in efforts to improve school culture and foster positive partnerships between the school and the community.


Continuous Feedback and Evaluation: Development and implementation support of processes for collecting feedback from staff, students, and parents on the school culture and use this feedback to continuously evaluate and improve school culture initiatives.


Advisory Programming: Development and implementation support for school-wide advisory systems and curriculum. 

School's Culture
is its DNA.
It determines everything
from student success
to staff retention."  


Get Started Today

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