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Whether your school designs its own curriculum or follows a mandated one, we're here to assist in ensuring its success and alignment with your students' unique needs. With extensive experience in curriculum writing and development across K-12, our services are customizable to suit your requirements.  Here are a few ways we can support your school in curriculum development:


Adopting a new curriculum: Planning and implementation sessions with teachers to ensure the successful implementation of new curriculum.


Curriculum Mapping Workshops: Workshops to help teachers and curriculum leaders map out the scope and sequence of the curriculum across grade levels and subject areas, ensuring alignment with standards and learning goals.


Standards Alignment Training: Training and support sessions to help teachers align curriculum and instructional practices with state and national standards to ensure consistency and coherence in what is taught.


Assessment Design Workshops: Workshops on designing authentic and effective assessments that accurately measure student learning and provide meaningful feedback to inform instruction.


Differentiated Instruction Support: Professional development opportunities focused on differentiated instruction strategies to help teachers meet the diverse learning needs of students in their classrooms.


Project-Based Learning (PBL) Workshops: Workshops on designing and implementing project-based learning experiences that engage students in inquiry, critical thinking, and real-world problem-solving.


Literacy Development: Support and resources for improving literacy instruction across all content areas, including strategies for vocabulary development, reading comprehension, and reading to learn.


Interdisciplinary Curriculum Design: Workshops on designing interdisciplinary units and projects that integrate multiple subject areas and promote connections between different areas of study.


Culturally Relevant Curriculum Development: Guidance and resources for developing culturally relevant curriculum materials that reflect the backgrounds, experiences, and perspectives of all students.


Professional Learning Communities (PLCs): Assistance in establishing PLCs focused on curriculum development where teachers can collaborate, share best practices, and co-create curriculum materials aligned with the needs of their students.


Data-Informed Instruction Workshops: Training on using data to inform curriculum decisions, including analyzing assessment results, identifying areas for improvement, and adjusting instruction accordingly.


Curriculum Review and Revision Processes: Establish structured processes for regularly reviewing and revising the curriculum to ensure it remains current, relevant, and aligned with evolving educational standards and best practices.


Vertical and Horizontal Alignment: Work with school leaders and staff to develop a well-structured and cohesive curriculum that supports student learning and achievement.

"The whole
purpose of
education is to 
turn mirrors
into windows."  

- Sydney J. Harris

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